I'm slowly getting ready for my Camino walk in May/June. I still haven't finished my packing list yet but I should have something posted by the end of the month.
Taking some advice from the Best Man and Matron of Honor, I applied for a Capital One VISA. This credit card has the advantage of not charging a foreign transaction fee. My everyday card charges 3%. The card also gives me an added layer of security. If the card is lost or stolen, my everyday card will be safe at home. I have so many bills and automatic payments tied up to the everyday card that, if I every lost it or it got stolen, it would be a real pain to replace it.
I have been thinking about the train reservations and the hotel in Saint Jean Pied de Port. I think, instead of struggling through the Spanish train website (I've heard some pretty sad stories about it) and learning French, I'll see if I can get my money's worth out of our AAA travel agent. She seemed pretty good when I worked with her on our Jordan vacation.
I am ... trying ... to continue walking in preparation for the Camino. Last week I didn't manage to do anything except some snow shoveling. Today I did more of that - we had some seven inches overnight. Thank God for out neighbor's snow blower we are using while they are vacationing in Arizona. This week, with the extra snow we had, I should finally get some snowshoeing done. Have to keep those legs strong and the endurance up in preparation for the walk of my life.
Just a thought: have you considered joining a gym so that, even if the weather sucks outside, you can work on building your cardio?
ReplyDeleteGH: Good idean but me and gyms ... we don't get along.