Homer's Travels: A Homer's Travels Look Back At 2016

Saturday, December 31, 2016

A Homer's Travels Look Back At 2016

2016 ... What a crappy year.  After a long battle with heart disease, the Father-in-Law passed away.  very close friend was diagnosed with cancer and passed away a couple months later.  Too many famous people died.  I had minor medical issues most of the summer and the Wife hurt her shoulder.  Oh yeah, the election sucked too.  I have never wanted a year to end so soon.

Not that everything was bad, mind you.  I got my Scuba certification (yes ... I consider this a positive even though I didn't like the experience so much) and our Cuba and South America trips were incredible.   Oh, and the Cubs won the World Series - the Father-in-Law would have loved that. 

Let's look back at 2016, shall we:

Last year I really didn't have many expectations for 2016.  I expected it to be dominated by AT training which was not nearly the case.  The whole political mess was not on my radar and I never saw the sadness and heartache that were to come.

I'm not sure what 2017 will bring for me.  It will surely be dominated by my Appalachian Trail adventure that will occupy five to six months of the year.  That I am looking forward to.  It's the stuff happening off the trail that has me a tad concerned.  The nation may be aboil this coming year.  Being out on the trail with limited contact with the outside world may be a blessing but I will always be worried about the Wife holding the fort back home.

I've always ended my Look Back posts with the same sign off.  I will do it again despite not being so hopeful this time around. 

Here's to a Happy and Prosperous New Year for all.
May all your dreams come true in 2017.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year.

    I tried scuba driving 7 years ago in Thailand. Originally, I had planned to spend a full year in said country, become a divemaster or an instructor and make a living out of it. I did certify as an advanced open water diver, before dropping it altogether as I never grew to like it. It was too... slow?

    Eventually I stayed 3 months in Thailand and spent most of my time taking pictures on a motorcycle before going home and getting my old job back.
