Not that everything was bad, mind you. I got my Scuba certification (yes ... I consider this a positive even though I didn't like the experience so much) and our Cuba and South America trips were incredible. Oh, and the Cubs won the World Series - the Father-in-Law would have loved that.
- January: The new year started in an uninspiring way. I postponed my book reading and dove into the pile of magazines teetering on the edge of my nightstand. I ended my six month obsession with The Game. I re-immersed myself into the forces of Duh ... err I mean politics.
- February: I spent time catching up on new shows uses various types of media outlets. One of the Wife's nieces joined me for Trek up the Tower - I came up two seconds short. Our showing at the Wife's school's trivia contest was ... bad. Very bad. Terrible even. Not sure there will be a fourth time for us.
- March: I dived into scuba by taking an introductory class followed with enrollment into a scuba certification class. During the Wife's spring break we spent three wonderful days in Cuba. My Google doppelganger passed away this month.
- April: The sun came out and my mood lifted a bit as I went out for my first bike ride of the year. A windy April would keep me off the bike trails for most of the rest of the month. I finished my class/pool portion of my scuba certification classes and discovered I wasn't that fond of scuba (this will surely change once I get to dive in the real world someday). I enjoyed going out to a local tapas bar with the Wife. The anticipation for our South America trip began to build in earnest for me. I enjoyed an Amy Schumer comedy routine.
- May: I asked people to give me a name for the Appalachian Trail (AT) and received a few suggestions. I celebrated my five year Caminoversary. The Wife and I went to Minneapolis to celebrate both the GodSon's graduation and family. I saw my picture during one of my walks. I mourned a Little Free Library. The month ended with my Mom's Birthday and Memorial Day celebrations.
- June: The Father-in-Law, after fighting heart disease, passed away. After receiving suggestions for an Appalachian Trail name I put up a poll to pick the most popular one. The rest of the month we spent traveling with Snuggle Bear around South America (which I documented in July).
- July: Was a slow month. I was suffering from some intestinal leftovers from our South American trip and my final scuba certification was postponed. It was too hot to do much of anything though I did try to train for my AT hike ... but didn't really do much training at all. At the end of the month we returned Snuggle Bear to his bestest friend.
- August: The presidential election became real with a rare Homer's Travels political post. I announced the winner of the Appalachian Trail name poll. The winner is Shuffle Monkey. Not sure if I will actually use that name. A tornado (actually it was a waterspout over a lake) made a close visit. After a couple of postponements I finally completed my scuba certification dive making me a Certified Open Water Diver. Doubts abounded concerning my Appalachian Trail hike and my preparedness or lack thereof. I received my Appalachian Trail passport which reminds me of my Camino passport. Homer's travels celebrated its ten year anniversary.
- September: I suffered the wrath of Rapa Nui but finally got it fixed. I used a newer AT Guide to update my Appalachian Trail hiking plan. We commemorated the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11. I tested my new tent and backpack on my tenth camping trip.
- October: This month was dominated by sad news about my Camino Angel Gv which prompted me to fly to Montreal to visit her. Unwanted changes from Google meant saying goodbye to my travel magnet slideshow. The Wife and I took advantage of early voting - sadly the political campaigns did not end after we voted. I compared my two tents and looked at my new backpack. I commemorated the three year anniversary of the end of my second Camino. I went camping in Preparation Canyon and enjoyed both the sunset and the sunrise. I posted a few of my fall photographs this month as well.
- November: Unable to clear Gv from my head, I decided to distract myself by starting a post-a-day challenge. This meant lots of picture posts. We celebrated the birthday/anniversary of the Wife's brother and Sister-in-Law. This involved lots of cupcakes. The election ... happened. The results were met with chagrin. I tried to distract myself from the elections results (and other things) by going camping. In a moment of distraction I had a close shave. Another supermoon occurred this month (they seem to be happening more often). We began planning for our next adventure in 2018. I decorated the house for Christmas ... a bit early this year. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at the Wife's niece's home. I took a walk through melancholy spaces on black Friday. I decorated the outside of our house for Christmas followed by picking up all the decorations that were blown out of the tree. The month ended on a very sad note when we lost Gv to cancer.
- December: I decided to continue the post-a-day challenge into December while trying to Love Life. The laser Christmas decorations made cool patterns during our first snow. I saw an unwelcome sign of our times. I purchased six pairs of shoes in preparation for my AT adventure. Some socks came soon after. Christmas started with the first bloom of the Christmas cactus. I had a nice walk on a newish trail before I came down with a cold. I managed to do a tiny bit of AT training. Gv was remembered at her memorial. I joined one of the Wife's nieces on a Star Wars adventure. Christmas was nice to me. I ended the month with several photograph posts when words didn't come so easily.
- Walking was a bit disappointing this year. I meant to walk a lot more than I did. I ended up walking thirty-eight times for a total of 484.5 miles (779.7 km). This wasn't totally bad as it was more than the previous two years but I thought the AT would motivate me to push farther ... and it didn't.
- Biking, like walking, was a bit of a disappointment for me this year. Like my walking, I'd hoped to get a lot of riding in as part of my AT training but I only managed 220.3 miles (354.5 km) with another 526.6 miles (847.4 km) on the trainer in the basement. These are the lowest numbers since 2013 and are pretty pathetic ... and no one's fault but my own.
- I set a goal to read thirteen books this year and, like 2015, came up one book short. I had a tough time getting interested in reading this year. I didn't read any bad books. Over three quarters of the books I read I gave at least four stars on Goodreads. I think external factors just sapped my interest in reading. The book I enjoyed the most this year was "AWOL on the Appalachian Trail" which I gave five stars.
- We went to two concerts this year. The first was Mumford & Sons which was pretty good. The second was Journey and the Doobie Brothers which I considered to be so-so.
- I posted 143 times this year. This was more than last year and the highest since 2011. It was high because I tried, successfully, to post every day in November and December. Many of these posts were posts of pictures and not very wordy so quantity does not always equal quality. Then again, nothing wrong with doing a photoblog. Next year my posts should drop off sharply when I'm on the AT.
Last year I really didn't have many expectations for 2016. I expected it to be dominated by AT training which was not nearly the case. The whole political mess was not on my radar and I never saw the sadness and heartache that were to come.
I'm not sure what 2017 will bring for me. It will surely be dominated by my Appalachian Trail adventure that will occupy five to six months of the year. That I am looking forward to. It's the stuff happening off the trail that has me a tad concerned. The nation may be aboil this coming year. Being out on the trail with limited contact with the outside world may be a blessing but I will always be worried about the Wife holding the fort back home.
I've always ended my Look Back posts with the same sign off. I will do it again despite not being so hopeful this time around.
I'm not sure what 2017 will bring for me. It will surely be dominated by my Appalachian Trail adventure that will occupy five to six months of the year. That I am looking forward to. It's the stuff happening off the trail that has me a tad concerned. The nation may be aboil this coming year. Being out on the trail with limited contact with the outside world may be a blessing but I will always be worried about the Wife holding the fort back home.
I've always ended my Look Back posts with the same sign off. I will do it again despite not being so hopeful this time around.
Here's to a Happy and Prosperous New Year for all.
May all your dreams come true in 2017.
Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteI tried scuba driving 7 years ago in Thailand. Originally, I had planned to spend a full year in said country, become a divemaster or an instructor and make a living out of it. I did certify as an advanced open water diver, before dropping it altogether as I never grew to like it. It was too... slow?
Eventually I stayed 3 months in Thailand and spent most of my time taking pictures on a motorcycle before going home and getting my old job back.