Hmmm .... it's four days into this post everyday challenge and I realize I haven't really written very much. When I did this back in 2008 nearly all of the posts were text posts. Yes there were a few photo-centric posts but even those had some meaningful text.
This year the writing well is coming up dry. My post look more like a photoblog which really isn't a bad thing I guess but I've always hoped that I would have something useful to say and the fact is I really don't. This is especially true at this time. My life feels like it's on hold. Waiting ... waiting ... not sure for what. Or maybe I do know ...
The Appalachian Trail (AT) is approaching. I should be working on my AT plans. I still have a bunch of stuff to buy. I have to put together some semblance of a resupply plan. There are things on the AT that can be winged and other things that need to be planned before hand. Right now no planning is happening either on paper or in my head.
The presidential campaigns haven't helped much. Nothing like a little stress to take your eyes off your plans. And, yes, this election has caused a lot of stress. I still don't understand what is happening in our country. Fortunately that distraction may be over in a few days ... or maybe not. *Sigh*
I've kind of been like this all year long - aimless - but events of the last month or so have knocked me off of any course, no matter how feeble it was, that I might have been on. I feel like I'm in a haze. I don't know when I will come out into the sun and those who know me know that I don't function well without the sun.
I need to regain my focus. Maybe writing this down and exposing it to the world will get me back on track.
Hmmm ... I guess this is my first writing post for the month. Hurrah for me.
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