I've known about William Gibson for awhile but I have never read any of his writing. I'm not really sure why as his books fit in the science fiction/technology/cybernetics genre that I am often attracted to. "The Peripheral" also fits in this genre. That is why I am surprised to say that my reaction to this book was ... meh.
Don't get me wrong, the book is not bad. It just feels a bit ordinary. It did have some original ideas which did peak my interest but in the end I expected more.
The thing that bothered me the most, I suppose, are the loose ends. Some critical concepts are introduced as mysteries in the book but the mysteries are never solved - namely the truth about "the server" and how a second group had managed to enter the stub. In some books mysteries like these would presage the coming of a sequel. In "The Peripheral" is just felt like incomplete storytelling.
On Goodreads I gave the book three stars. I almost considered giving it four but the holes in the story bothered me. I wish I could have given it three and a half. That would have felt more appropriate.
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