Homer's Travels: A Couple Of Cool Things South Of Walnut

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Couple Of Cool Things South Of Walnut

Today was a day for a drive so the Wife and I went to Walnut, Iowa for some antiquing and picture taking.  On the way home we headed south to get a picture of the B-24 bomber memorial south of town.  The memorial, a model of a B-24 that turns with the wind,  is for a B-24 that crashed there in 1944 killing all seven of the flight crew.

After taking this picture, and as we left, I noticed something across the road in a nearby farm field.

We thought the tree might be behind the silo and the whole thing was an illusion but, after we turned around and went back for a closer look (yes, we turned around and went back to look at a silo and a tree), We saw that the tree was growing out of the silo.  Here's a view looking up through a hatch in the silo.

It was pretty cool.  Of course, your standard of coolness may be different from mine but you would have thought it was cool if you'd been there.  Trust me.


  1. Check out TGAW's silo tree posts. She'd probably like a link to your picks as well:


  2. Those are both great finds. I wonder if anyone has ever done any "aviation archaeology" at the B-24 site. The accident is listed here on the Aviation Archaeological Investigation and Research site.

  3. Phil: Thanks for the idea. I sent to links to her.

    BM: I don't know but I imagine all of the wreckage was taken away soon after the crash.

  4. Wow, awesome! Yeah, I definitely would like to add these to my silo tree list. Thanks!!!

  5. There really ought to be a silo-tree club somewhere, methinks...

  6. BM: I find that surprising. Maybe I should by be a metal detector.
