Homer's Travels: Weekly Ephemera #98

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Weekly Ephemera #98

Things are kind of coasting here in Homer's Travels land.  We are a few weeks from our return to the Camino.  There really isn't much to do to prepare so we are just getting the house in order.
  • We've been having crazy Spring weather this month.  Rain, hail, tornadoes.  There were a few nights this week the weather radio woke us up multiple times in the middle of the night.  On Friday morning I woke up at 2am to the sounds of tornado sirens.  It's disconcerting when you're watching the weather coverage in the middle of an alert and you lose the Internet.  Definitely not an ideal situation.

    At the suggestion of the Wife I cleaned out the tornado room this week.  The tornado room is a room in our basement away from windows where we can go if the unspeakable happens.  While all the rain is doing marvels for the yards and gardens in our area everyone is getting tired of having to watch the sky.
  • The bathroom people returned on Friday and finished the bathroom.  It's really nice to have all that behind us.  The only thing to do now is to pay for it all ... oof.
  • I walked only once this week.   A short 6.9 miles (11.2 km).  This is where I could really be preparing for the Camino ... but I'm not.
  • My semi-annual blood draw is coming this week.  As always I don't expect my test numbers will be that great but they shouldn't be bad either.  I'll know soon enough.

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