Homer's Travels: Weekly Ephemera #97

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Weekly Ephemera #97

  • Took Mom to the neurosurgeon on Monday and we set a date for her surgery to correct stenosis in her neck.  The surgery will be after the Wife and I return from Spain.  If all goes well she will have more spinal surgery in six to twelve months to correct stenosis in her lower back.  The goal of all of this is to reduce the pain in her lower back and legs and, hopefully, improve her balance, gait, and quality of life.
  • The Tile Guy put in the tile floor in our bathroom this week.  It looks nice.  The lighter tile and wall color makes the bathroom feel bigger and brighter.  This coming Friday the bathroom people will come back to install the toilet, medicine cabinet, and other small details.  Yesterday I took my first shower in our new, larger shower.  It is very roomy now and doesn't feel like you are showering in a phone booth (For the too young this is a phone booth.).  Looking forward for it being completely finished.
Photograph: "Cotton Stars on a Puddle Sky"
By Bruce H.

  • I went walking twice this week.  I managed 16.6 miles (26.7 km) which is a bit short for two hikes.  During one of the hikes I walked through a park full of cottonwood trees shedding their fluffy seeds to the whims of the wind.  I took the picture above - slightly out of focus as usual - of cottonwood seeds on the surface of a rain puddle.
  • I watched season two of "Halo" this week.  I really liked it.  I started the final season of Star Trek: Discovery this weekend.  The last episode is in a couple weeks.  Interesting so far in a very Star Trek way.

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