Homer's Travels: Weekly Ephemera #51

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Weekly Ephemera #51

I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend.
  • On Monday I introduced the Wife to hiking with poles with a hike at Hitchcock Nature Center.  I taught her how to use her poles to reduce stress on the knees when going down and up hills.  She did very well and between now and when we leave for the Camino we will likely do a few more strenuous hikes as part of our Camino preparations. 
  • Speaking of Camino preparations, this week I made our airline reservations (Omaha to Paris), train reservations (Paris to Bayonne to St Jean Pied de Port), hotel/hostel reservations (in St Jean Pied de Port and at our first pilgrim hostel in Orrison).

    The hotel in St Jean Pied de Port was not my original choice.  I was hoping to stay in the hotel I stayed in during my first Camino - a very nice hotel in an old historic building - but it didn't have any openings.  Instead I found a place just around the corner from that hotel appropriately called Plan B.

    During my first Camino I walked from St Jean Pied de Port to Roncesvalle in one day.  This time we will be breaking up the long and hard day into two parts.  The first day will be a short 4.7 miles (7.5 km) to the Albergue (pilgrim hostel) of Orrison.  The second day will be 10.4 miles (16.7 km). up and over the Pyrenees mountains to Roncesvalles, Spain.
  • Besides the hike at Hitchcock I did a couple more longer hikes.  All three hikes totaled 27 miles (43.5 km).  Next week will probably not include any hikes.
  • On Saturday we celebrated Easter at the Wife's Niece's new home.  Their home has a lot of space - a good house for a family to grow into.

    Today we celebrated Easter again at my Mom's place.  More good food. More good conversation.  I am now officially full of ham.
  •  This coming week the MoH and BM are visiting for a few days of fun times and interesting conversation.

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