Homer's Travels: Canada By Rail: The Last Train To Halifax

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Canada By Rail: The Last Train To Halifax

This was a long vacation.  As I waited in the Montréal train station there was an underlying sense of dread.  I was tired of trains.  This vacation involved a lot of sitting - sitting on boats, sitting on buses, and sitting a lot on trains.  I was not looking forward to sitting another twenty-two hours on a train.

The trains to the east of Toronto were newer trains.  The older trains from Vancouver to Toronto have some cars dating to the 1950s (though they were updated, naturally).  Strangely enough, the older trains were more comfortable to me.  I had trouble sleeping on this train.

I knew I was tired of travelling.  I usually draft posts on the train but on this leg of the journey I just sat back and listened to podcasts.  I was feeling lazy.  I was ready for it to be over but Halifax beckoned.

We arrived in Halifax in early evening and walked the couple blocks to our cool inn.  It was located in an old building that felt like an old mansion ... which it was.  The Waverley Inn is in a Victorian house built in 1876.  I don't remember sleeping well this night but I got over it when we went out to explore the city of Halifax.

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