Homer's Travels: A Homer's Travels Look Back At 2017

Sunday, December 31, 2017

A Homer's Travels Look Back At 2017

2017 was the year that I became lost.  I returned from my failed Appalachian Trail (AT) attempt not knowing where I was or where I was going.  This feeling persisted throughout the year.  The AT didn't break me physically but it did break me spiritually.  I'd gone out looking for spiritual healing but the inability to keep my promise to Gv just ripped my spirit to shreds.  I spent most of this year trying to rebuild.

Let's look back at 2017, shall we:

As the end of the year approaches I am still a bit lost.  I've lost both my joy of hiking and my sense of adventure but I think things will get better. Time does heal all wounds but we can't always choose how long it will take.  I just need to give it time and to keep moving forward.

Here's to a Happy and Prosperous New Year for all.
May all your dreams come true in 2018.

(or at least, may we all survive 2018.)

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