Homer's Travels: Weekly Ephemera #124

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Weekly Ephemera #124

First off, I want to correct an oversight on my part.  In last week's Weekly Ephemera post I left off meeting with the Matron of Honor and Best Man in Des Moines for food, drink, and conversational catch up.  We had a great time and I am not sure why I left it out of the post.  Sorry!

Now, for this week's stuff:
  • On Monday we did our annual setting up of our health insurance for next year.  The price nearly doubled from last year though it was nearly a hundred dollars below the estimate the insurance company had provided a few months ago.
  • I was going to walk twice this week but I ended up cancelling the second walk.  The one I did was one of my longer ones and my legs really didn't recover as fast as I expected.  I walked 14.8 miles (23.9 km).  I'm trying to lose weight this month and I have been combining long walks with a cutback in food.  This combination may explain why my legs were so achy and slow to recover after the walk.
  • We still haven't had any snow beyond a light dusting but we did have a light glaze of ice Saturday morning.  I spread some deicer even though it would have melted off on its own later in the day.
  • We canceled Netflix this week.  Before it ended I watched "Godzilla Minus One" - very cheesy fun - and "Spaceman" and ok but weird 'Man meets Alien, Alien saves Man' story.  Not a huge Adam Sandler fan but his dramatic performance here was pretty good.  We are subscribing to Max for the next month or so.

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