After seeing the Hugo awards winners this year, I decided to check out last year's best novel. N.K. Jemisin's "The Fifth Season" is the first book of a series. Not only did it win the 2016 Hugo award for best novel but the second book of the series won the 2017 Hugo award.
The book is a fantasy book set in a world where seismic activities periodically wreaks havoc on the world. The turmoil caused by supervolcano eruptions and earthquakes is referred to as fifth seasons.
The book follows three characters who have the power to control the seismic activity. They remind me of earth benders from "Avatar: The Last Airbender". In this world they are second class citizens feared by the 'normal' population and controlled by the leadership.
In the end the three storylines come together and we find out that the three characters were one and the same and each storyline is a different time of their lives.
The book was interesting. I'm not sure about the world being built by this series but, by mid book, I was sucked in and looked forward to read more. There are enough loose ends at the end to pull me along to the second book of the series.
I gave this book four stars out of five on Goodreads and I will be reading the rest of the series in the near future.
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