The first half of the year was mostly dedicated to training for RAGBRAI. I rode my bike, first in the basement, then on the trails around Omaha. I was biking at least three times a week if weather and my bike would allow it. Shortly after RAGBRAI I did my Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) camping trip.
The second half of the year, after RMNP, consisted of me running away from the world. I fully immersed myself in a social based Star Trek game. I played hours and hours each day. Any exercising I'd been doing in preparation for RAGBRAI and RMNP ceased. I drastically reduced my monitoring of Facebook and Twitter. I only marginally followed the news. I withdrew from the world around me. I both enjoyed the game and worried about my own behavior. There is a lot more to say about this but I will save it for another post.
Let's look back at 2015, shall we:
- January: After a beautiful and relaxing New Year's Eve and day, I watched a few good documentaries and got myself organized. We went to a concert that was interrupted by health issues, I became aware of some penguins, and pondered the progress of technology (while cursing out other technology related harassment). The month ended with me registering for RAGBRAI, one of my big three goals (Camino 2013 was the first, the AT is the third).
- February: The month started off with blizzard conditions. I had some taxing times, depressing (shorts) times, and trivial times with friends and painting. It was a month of healthy things as well - good blood tests and better tower trekking times - but ended in a sad note.
- March: The wonder of outer space was reawakened by the flyby of Ceres this month. I was down with a bug for a week and a half but that didn't stop me from getting Rocky Mountain National Park reservations and planning the camping trip as well as our New England Vacation.
- April: A proper fitting was a proper way to start the month. I took my bike off the stand and out for the first of many a spin. My ads started to payoff ... sort of. I went for my first camping trip of the year, returning to Hitchcock Nature Center, regressed with the help of comics, and asked a trivia question that no one answered.
- May: RAGBRAI became more real once I won the lottery. On a muddy ride I had my first, and only, accident on my bike. I had a nice visit to the Omaha Zoo. I went camping again. I celebrated my fourth Caminoversary with a new shell, continued my RAGBRAI training, and bought some new toys.
- June: I did the third camp of the year at Preparation Canyon. This would be the last camp before RAGBRAI and RMNP. My RAGBRAI training continued but it was interrupted by our New England vacation. The vacation, while nice, was mediocre.
- July: Between RAGBRAI training rides I documented our New England vacation. I lamented the shredding of my routine while I attempted to bring it back to life for at least a weekend. I marvelled at the photos of Pluto. The month ended with me successfully completing RAGBRAI. I learned I could do it while also learning that I don't like riding bike so much and large crowds are a turn off. Before I left for RMNP we started planning out next international vacation.
- August: My RMNP five day camping trip started the first week of August. I lost an old friend. I had a successful camp with ups and downs. I enjoyed the ups and learned from the downs. This was the last of my summer activities for the year. A busy and underappreciated season. This month also started my Star Trek computer game obsession.
- September: After months of physical activity and exercise, I proceeded to become an inactive lump sitting in front of a computer screen playing games. I tried to ween myself off it but I was unsuccessful. I did start riding my trainer more and went for some walks/hikes. We were visited by one of the Wife's friends from New York. The last of the three space related events took place at the end of the month - a Blood Moon.
- October: A statue dedication and a concert started off October. I posted several pictures of fall colors - my first photograph series. I finally began planning my Appalachian Trail hike.
- November: I didn't write, or do, much this month. I finished the first draft of my Appalachian Trail hike and added the draft to a new blog tab. I saw some eagles in the field behind our house. That's about it.
- December: I posted a little more in December though they were mostly photograph posts. I told the tale of the Pale Blue Ball which made a few people smile. We celebrated a wedding and Christmas and, despite the lonely sock found in our den, we had a very Merry Christmas.
- In 2015 I went on 29 walks/hikes totalling 341.66 miles (549.85 km) - nearly the same as in 2014. I expected this number to be lower due to my gaming immersion so I was pleasantly surprised by the number.
- Biking, in 2015, took on a whole new meaning for me. I biked more in 2015 than the past seven years combined. In the end I rode 1,384.2 miles (2,227.6 km) on my trainer and 1,738.87 miles (2,798.4 km) in the real world - including the 481.5 miles (774.9 km) of RAGBRAI. RAGBRAI was the longest distance I've ever biked in a single, seven day, span and the first day of RAGBRAI was also my all time personal best for biking in a single day: 76.5 miles (123.1 km). I'd had my doubts that I would complete it but I did much better than I expected only having to get off and walk my bike twice. Despite this success, I learned that I really wasn't fond of biking. I hope to get back on my bike next year both to keep my checkup numbers in range and to prepare for my Appalachian Trail hike.
- I read twenty-five books this year, just shy of my goal of twenty-six. I would have blasted through that goal but I let the game consume too much of my reading time. I picked some good books this year with 68% being four or more stars. "The Martian" and "All the Light We Can Not See" being my favorite. This coming year I may not set a goal - more about this in a future post.
- We went to three concerts this year: Fleetwood Mac, the Decemberists, and Elton John. I enjoyed all three despite Fleetwood Mac being cut short and Decemberists being out in the rain.
- I posted 121 times this year, nearly the same as last year. Like my reading, the game probably reduced the number of posts this year.
Last year I said I had a good feeling about 2015 and I think I was half right. Our New England trip, RAGBRAI, and my RMNP camping trip were wonderful (almost said tremendous ... Too much Trump). The second half, like the second half of 2014 were lacking somewhat.
There are some good things coming in the new year. Scuba certification lessons, a trip to Cuba, a trip to the Galapagos Islands, an Amazon cruise, Easter Island, and Rio. In between I will have to really get serious about planning my Appalachian Trail hike.
Here's to a Happy and Prosperous New Year for all.
May all your dreams come true in 2016.
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