- I restarted my physical therapy exercises (twice a week) and my abs work (thrice a week).
- After a pause of over a month I played it safe and restarted the walking at five miles and am building back up to the thirteen - fifteen mile range that is my goal.
- I started biking twice a week. I started really slow. My first ride was only three miles or about twenty minutes on the bike. I've then upped it three miles every two weeks and am now doing nine - ten miles. I was concerned how my knee would take the biking but it has handled it wonderfully and I now consider my knee to be 99.9% healed.
The day I went to the doctor I woke up with a sharp pain in my right heal. I'd experience this before on the Camino but I'd thought it had been related to my twisted pelvis. Since the pelvis issue had been corrected by my physical therapy I was at a loss. At the doctors I asked about the shoulder and the heal. A few questions and a little manipulation of the two parts of my body and he had a diagnosis. The shoulder was rotator cuff tendinitis. The heal was heel spur/plantar fascitis.
So I went home with oral steroids and anti-inflammatory meds. They would hopefully treat both issues. He also suggested icing my heel/foot after walking (which I am doing) and gave me nine exercises to strengthen the shoulder that I have to do twice a day - yeah ... more exercises ... not sure I'm happy but if it's necessary ... and it's only for the next ten days or so. That's the good news I took away from this by the way - the doctor only gave me meds for ten days expecting this to be enough to correct my conditions. I hope his assessment is correct and I'm back to "normal" in ten days. If not, I'm back to the doctor I would imagine.
I'm sure you all are getting tired of me complaining about my aches and pains on Homer's Travels. I think I'm starting to sound like a broken and whiny record. I think I'll shelve the health and exercise labels for a while. You're welcome.
One nice side affect of taking these meds is I have had no allergy issues. When my allergies bother me my nose holes shrink and clog up, especially at night when I'm trying to sleep. Since I started taking the meds I've had no problems. I kind of dread when I'm out of pills.
I'm starting to get tire of all this. As soon as I fix one problem (twisted pelvis, knee, back pain) other problems pop up (rotator cuff, plantar fascitis). I know I'm not getting younger but for once I would like to get all my issues dealt with without something else getting injured, irritated, or cranky.I'm sure you all are getting tired of me complaining about my aches and pains on Homer's Travels. I think I'm starting to sound like a broken and whiny record. I think I'll shelve the health and exercise labels for a while. You're welcome.
Oh my gosh. If it's not one thing it's another! I hope everything feels better soon so you can continue your exercise regime and feel good all over!
ReplyDeleteGood luck buddy! In the meantime, I'd like to recommend ICE CREAM!
Autumn, Hmmm ... ice cream. Haven't tried that for at least a week. Maybe I should try it again.